Theatre at The Mill Elevates Sound with Martin Audio's Next-Gen Technology

Martin Audio Speakers

Set in the restored Mossley Mill in Newtownabbey, north of Belfast (from which its name is derived) Theatre at The Mill is a multi-cultural arts and entertainment centre, covering a myriad of disciplines ranging from cinema to corporate presentations.

The construction of the 400-seat three-level theatre on the site was completed at the beginning of 2010. But with their original sound system a decade old, Rea Sound were recently brought in to provide an upgrade in the form of Martin Audio’s next generation Wavefront Precision Mini (WPM) technology.

However, Antrim and Newtownabbey Borough Council, who administer the building, first instigated a tender process and invited various vendors to submit prospective line array replacements. Rea Sound project manager (and system designer), Roger McMullan, recalls that both WPM and MLA Mini were fired up in anger—alongside other brands.

“The client opted for WPM,” he confirmed. “It matched everything they wanted on the tender document. Two things in particular attracted them to it: the physical size, since it fitted the existing footprint without obscuring sightlines, and secondly the sound quality and even spread. None of the other systems could match that.”

He said that everything moved at breakneck speed once the tender documents had been distributed. Response was quickly followed by nomination of the successful contractor in November, with the understanding that work needed be completed within two weeks. Martin Audio cooperated closely to enable the timeline—which equated to just three days’ site time—to be fulfilled.

The new system design had to provide even coverage throughout the three levels. The solution was based around six WPM elements per side, run in optimum one-box resolution. Where LF extension is required, four Martin Audio SXC118 subwoofers can be wheeled into position.

Another optional addition to the sound artillery, which is event dependent, is a CDD-LIVE 15 which provides a centre image, and can be introduced as required. “I was blown away by just how powerful it was,” McMullan admits.

Rea Sound have specified a further 14 x CDD6 for under balcony and surround sound use, and six CDD5 for front stage infill. They have then dialled up the spec to four CDD10—two for use in the upper balcony and two for the main space surround—where greater power is needed.

The WPM is powered by three Martin Audio multi-channel iKON iK81 and an iK42, and elsewhere Martin Audio passive CDD systems are driven by a VIA 5004 and VIA 2502—which are also multi-channel solutions (respectively four-channel and two-channel).

In summary Roger McMullan said, “Since Martin Audio’s range of options is now so phenomenal it gave the venue confidence. The system works so well that the theatre has had a number of other venues look at it, which is good news for both Rea Sound and Martin Audio.


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